Rainy Day Baptism Thoughts
I've been preaching a sermon series on Baptism the past three weeks. My timing has been spot on because we've been inundated with rain here in the Classic City the last few weeks as well. One has to admit rain and baptismal talk do go hand in hand. I believe that we don't talk about Baptism enough in the church. Thus, there is a lot of confusion about the meaning and importance of Baptism. Yet, the truth is that Baptism defines who we are. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual grace. As United Methodist we believe that Baptism is an act of God. The one being baptized, the clergy performing the sacrament and the water itself are either recipients or agents of the work that God is doing. Therefore, since God is the primary actor the method of baptism and the age of the one who is baptized is unimportant as it is God doing the work. For this reason we don't baptize anyone twice because to do so would be saying that God di...