Worshiping in Exile
As we look to the scriptures for comfort and hope in these difficult times, an important reference for us is the Old Testament story of the experience of the Jewish exiles in Babylon. In 586 BCE the southern kingdom of the Jews were conquered by the Babylonians. Many of the leading citizens were carried into exile in Babylon. Not only were these people cut off from home. they felt in many ways exiled from their faith. For the Jewish people of that era it was exceptionally important to them to worship in the Temple in Jerusalem. Such passion for the Temple is noted in the sixty-ninth Psalm in which the Psalmist declares, “It is zeal for your house that has consumed me.” The Ancient Jews believed that the presence of God was more strongly experienced in the sacred space of the Temple where they carried out their sacrificial rites and other rituals of faith. The COVID-19 virus has in a sense exiled us. Though we remain in our homes, we f...