
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Seventeenth Century French Mathematician Speaks on COVID-19

Blaise Pascal was a seventeenth century French mathematician.  Yet, Pascal was much more than that.  He was  also an inventor and later in his life a Roman Catholic theologian.  He was educated in the ways of mathematics by his father who was also a mathematician.  His philosophical and theological training was much broader though not in the traditional university settings of the day. Pascal's work as a theologian is notable in a time in which the Roman Catholic Church was reforming itself within as the Protestant Reformation was taking hold outside the bounds of the Church.  Perhaps Pascal's most famous contribution to theological thought is something called Pascal's Wager.  It is recorded in a theological work he wrote entitled Pensees. The Wager is basically Pascal's argument for the existence of God. The argument essentially says that one if one believes in God and God does not exist, the believer loses nothing.  Conversely if one fails to bel...

A Son of the South Grapples With History

It is not uncommon in recent days to learn of statues that have been taken down by governmental action or sometimes from mob action.   Many of the those statues have been in the South and many of them have been images of Confederate Generals from the period of our Civil War.  Other statues have been monuments to those who fought for the Confederate Army.  There have also been discussion of the renaming of military bases which are named for Confederate generals. In other instances, statues have come under attack because the principal of the statue had been an owner of slaves.  There have been changes of school names, street names and building names because the namesake of those buildings has been found in disfavor. I am a born and bread Southerner, a native Georgian and have never lived anywhere else.  I am a graduate of my home state's University, the University of Georgia, which by the way is the oldest chartered state university in our nation....