Lessons From a Chipmunk

The Reverend Ted Bass had a profound influence on my life. He was my pastor at the Lynmore United Methodist Church in Macon when I received my call into the ministry. He was also there for me at critical junctures in my life and in the life of my family. I am quite certain that without his influence I never would have been able to discern that God was calling me to be a pastor in the United Methodist Church. Ted developed a charecter for use in his Children’s Sermons named Charlie Chipmunk. Charlie attended “The Little Brown Church in the Log” and his adventures and misadventures provided Ted with a great opportunity to share Christ centered lessons with his children. Ted retired a number of years ago and passed away in March of 2020 prior to the shutdown due to the pandemic. Yet, Charlie is still around. Ted’s son-in-law, the Reverend Steve Keck, the pastor of the Broad Street United Methodist Church in Clinton, South Carolina still ...