Have a Great Day at School
I go for a walk around 6:30 every morning as I start my day. Obviously, getting exercise is one reason for my walk. Yet, my walk also provides me a time for me to pray. Some mornings I'm done praying by the time I get to the end of the street on which I live. Other times I'm still praying when I get back to my house. It all depends on what is on my heart and on my mind that day.There are days when I preach on my walk. No, I'm not a street preacher but I do go over my upcoming sermons in my mind as a take my walk. Now that schools have resumed their normal schedules following their summer break, I've noticed that there is a more routine traffic pattern on my walk. There is a young man on our street who attends Athens Academy. Each morning he stands at the end of his drive way waiting on the Athens Academy bus. As I finish my walk the bus is usually turning down my street. The bus turns around in the cul de sac in front o...